Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
AVANT GARDE Second edition
Contemporary Avant-garde
Art and multidisciplinary experimentation in the contemporary exhibition at the Merlino Gallery, the ideal venue to present cutting-edge artistic trends.
20 - 28 January
Merlino. Bottega d'arte
ACTION Fourth edition
From figurative deconstruction to the informal.
Fourth edition of the exhibition that traces the pictorial and sculptural stages which from figurative develop into abstract and informal, in an increasing number of variations.
29 January - 9 February
Merlino. Bottega d'arte
Evolution of portraiture in contemporary times.
11- 20 February
Merlino. Bottega d'arte
A high impact collective exhibition which aims to analyse the passion and emotional impetus that drives contemporary artists to create art.
4 - 24 February
Merlino. Bottega d'arte
ArtExpertise presents a collective exhibition at the minimalist Merlino Gallery in which artists, chosen by the curators from the best on the contemporary scene, will measure themselves against the already successful exhibition on the comparison between realist art, considered as figurative art, and abstract art, by this meaning everything that is non-figurative.
22 February - 1 March
Merlino. Bottega d'arte
The role of experimentation as a crucial element of art.
New trends and common stylistic lines on the contemporary art scene, increasingly characterised by the experimentation of new materials and forms to produce new results, including pictorial ones.
3 - 13 March
Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
Order and disorder in contemporary art.
The concept of art as the study of harmony and beauty, compared to art that is affected by generative chaos, fruit of the instability of contemporary times.
4 - 24 March
Copies d'auteure.
Art of the past as inspiration, as simple stimulus and with clear reverence, as a stylistic exercise, a learning moment, culminating in the production of a copy.
15 - 25 March
Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
Naïve is an existential emotive approach rather than a style or manner.
In this exhibition of so-called “naïve” works, from which the name of the exhibition draws inspiration, Artexpertise analyses the works of self-taught painters, but also those of instinctive painters, popular masters of reality and advocates of primitivism.
28 March - 6 April
Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
Less is more (Mies Van Der Rohe)
Reality stripped of its artifices and excesses in the works of artists that offer a vision of purity and apparent simplicity, in which very little can say a great deal to those able to see through their starkness. Works that cause a racket with their silent presence.
7 – 15 April
Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
Ethnic contaminations
Thanks to an increasingly multicultural society, to social integration and to the fascination that ethnic art has always aroused in the West, the Merlino Gallery proposes a variety of works with an oriental flavour: a journey through India, Vietnam, Cambodia, and an analysis of the Gitano contaminations.
12 - 30 April
A study of figurative art, considered to be traditional but often rich in contrasts, through the works of a group of figurative artists whose allegiance to realism is, however, heterogeneous. On this occasion an attempt will be made to explore its many facets, from personal interpretations of the figurative aspect to the hyperrealist results.
16 - 26 April
Merlino. Bottega d'Arte
In this exhibition every surface is conceived as a fabric: art is also precious decoration which from figurative elements moves towards abstract stylemes and decorative effusions; where the central element is the motif-narrative of the piece.